世界需要伟大的老师. 在southern, 我们将为你进入课堂做好准备,让你对教学这个职业有一个现实的认识. Education students study social constructivism and critical theory with talented faculty and enter classrooms to observe, 计划课程, 和教, 在伯明翰和世界各地.
认证领域包括基础教育, 中等教育, 合作教育, 以及视觉艺术教育. 获得中等教育证书的学生也可以选择专注于生物学, 历史, 历史和一般社会研究, 或数学.
作为教育,学生完成他们的课程作业, 他们将展示书面和口头沟通技巧, 计划课程和教学, 并阐明教学哲学. They are prepared to go to graduate school or immediately enter classrooms of their own – anyw在这里 in the world they choose to teach.
感兴趣? Fill out the form to the right and an admissions representative will follow up with you to start your Hilltop journey.
- 小而亲密的班级.Education faculty get to 知道 each student 和教 the way future educators will conduct their own classes. 学生们参加一系列的活动, 了解为什么这些活动有效, 并将其应用到自己的教学计划中.
- 实践教学经验. 一年级学生用E-Term在当地教室与K-12学生一起工作. 通过教大群人, 小群体, 个别学生, 专业学生将在许多类型的学校获得广泛的经验. 学生们随后在他们选择的专业领域工作, 教育的顶点经验包括一个完整的学期实习.
- 乌干达的服务学习. 每一个能量e项, 教育专业的学生有机会在私立学校与当地教师合作, 穆科诺的一所农村小学, 乌干达. 旅行中的学生, 哪些是对其他部门开放的, 这学期教k -7年级的学生英语. 阅读他们的项目 博客.
- 奖学金及奖项. 春季学期快结束了, 该系为优秀学生颁发了许多奖学金和奖项, 包括卢瑟福R. Black Award for the Most Outstanding Student in Teacher Education and the Alabama Consortium Scholarship.
表现出求知欲. 我们把求知欲定义为任何导致探究的兴趣. 我们相信求知欲是一名优秀教师的重要品质. 求知欲强的人处于不断学习、阅读和研究的状态. 他们坚持不懈地寻求解决问题的办法以及不同主题之间的联系.
展示哲学、教学和学术基础. 老师知道,知道为什么,也知道怎么做. 有目的性和意向性的教师 知道 ——他们要努力解决复杂的问题和学术内容. 有目的性和意向性的教师 知道为什么 -他们已经形成了一种哲学立场,这影响了他们的教学决策. 有目的性和意向性的教师 知道如何 -他们在教学研究中掌握了一整套教学动作, 包括选择和使用资源和技术的能力. 他们能清楚地表达自己对教与学的信念, 引用支持性研究和哲学基础, 并在各种课堂环境中与知情的应用程序交谈.
实践反思性和意向性教学. 教师持有一套指导决策过程和指导实践的原则. We believe that effective teachers do what they do on purpose – each teaching move is intentional and reasoned.
为社区、为专业、为所有的孩子进行宣传. 教师了解、尊重、参与并倡导他们所教的社区. 作为教师职业的倡导者, 他们参加专业组织并为该领域做出贡献. They advocate for whatever is necessary to meet the needs of individual members of their learning community as well as all children.
Students should plan to be fully admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) by the end of their sophomore year in order to proceed optimally through the program.
- 修满10学分或同等学分.
- GPA保持在2分.在专业研究和教学领域中,总分达到5分或以上.
- 成功完成ED 201:教育概论或EPy 260:特殊儿童调查.
- 成功完成探索性学期教学体验(ED 299).
- 完成一个 背景调查.
- 提交专业倾向的自我评估(EDA), 写作样本, 并在TEP面试前提出申请.
- 与两名或两名以上的教育人员面谈. 此时将对写作样本进行评估.
虽然这些标准都得到了满足, 学生可以选择不需要TEP入学作为先决条件的教育课程, but students are not allowed to have more than five professional education courses before admission to TEP.
评估信息和当前教师测试要求选项 -
The educator preparation programs of the Birmingham-南部 College 教育部 are accredited by the Alabama State Department of Teacher Education and Certification (ALSDE). Birmingham-南部 College is accredited by the 南部 Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
有资格获得教师证书, 学生必须被教师教育计划录取并完成批准的学习课程. Students must successfully complete all program requirements and also satisfy the following conditions to be recommended for a teaching certificate:
- 完成学院的毕业要求.
- 达到并保持2分的平均成绩.总分5分或更高,2分.专业学习成绩达到5分或以上.教学领域5级以上. 专业学习成绩不得低于C(包括C-).
- Demonstrate proficiency in teaching by achieving a grade of “B-” or better in all student teaching internships.
- 完成一个 犯罪背景调查 and fingerprinting process and be cleared by the Alabama Bureau of Investigation (ABI) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
- Pass all standardized tests required for certification in your academic discipline as determined by the Alabama State 教育部 (ALSDE). 请参阅有关所需的Praxis测试的更多信息 在这里.
The Teacher Education Program at 九游会 is subject to change from the Alabama State 教育部 without notice. Students should consult a faculty advisor or the certification officer concerning current certification requirements. 你可以给我们的认证官特雷瓦·莱斯特发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或致电(205)226-4810.
The EPP evaluates completers’ impact on K-12 student learning 和教ing effectiveness using Tripod Survey data and data from the Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST) instrument which the EPP also uses with a sample of completers in their first three years of teaching.
测量2:雇主满意度和利益相关者参与 (4.2, 5.3)
The EPP collects data regarding satisfaction of employers through a survey developed by the Alabama Association for Colleges of Teacher Education (ALACTE) in addition to focus groups with employers and completers. Because the number of respondents is not readily available to EPPs and the response rate from employers and completers is low, to improve the response rate the EPP sends a survey directly to employers and completers using the same questions on the ALSDE survey. Sending the survey directly from the EPP to completers and employers with whom the EPP has relationships has significantly improved the EPP’s response rate.
EPP使用多种方法来衡量候选人在完成项目时的能力. 这些措施包括学生教学候选人职前评估(CPAST)。, EdTPA, 教育者性格评估(EDA), 和最终实习生能力评估(联邦保险捐税法).
测试4:完成者在他们所从事的教育岗位上被雇用的能力 准备
The Education Department at Birmingham-南部 College is hosting an accreditation visit by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) on October 29-31, 2023. 邀请有兴趣的各方向评估小组提交第三方意见. Please note that comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of professional education programs offered and should specify the party’s relationship to the provider (e.g.(毕业生、现任或前任教员、毕业生雇主).
我们邀请您向CAEP提交书面证词, 西北十九街1140号, 400套房, 华盛顿, DC 20036, 或电邮至: (电子邮件保护).
Such comments must be within the specified period and based on the core tenets of CAP accreditation standards of excellence, 他们认识到:
在CAEP的绩效体系中, accreditation is based on evidence that demonstrates that teacher candidates 知道 the subject matter and can teach it effectively so that students learn. 在CAEP系统中, EPPs must prove that candidates can connect theory to 实践 and be effective in an actual P-12 classroom.
A professional education provider that is accredited by CAEP is expected to be involved in ongoing planning and evaluation; engaged in continuous assessment and development: ensure that faculty and programs reflect new 知道ledge, 实践, and technologies; and be involved in continuous development in response to the evolving world of education and educational reform.
Comments must address substantive matters related to the quality of professional education programs offered, 并应指明被调查者的关系, 如果有任何, 给机构(1).e.(毕业生、现任或前任教员、毕业生雇主). Copies of all correspondence received will be sent to the university for comment prior to the review.